A Little Bit About Me

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Blog-ger: one who writes in a public forum. That's about it as far as I am concerned. I write because I like to.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Shelter Cat, Pizza, and Television

Today has been a long day...

Went with a housemate to look at cats at the shelter... I know it sounds like we're crazy cat people or that we need lives... but they are just so adorable and all animals need good loving homes.

Saw one I absolutely loved. Ann adorable long haired mix. She was so sweet. at 5 years old she def needed a home. Anyway rules stated you had to be 21 to fill out the paper work to adopt an animal... I understand its so that they keep youngin' from adopting animals that they can't take care of but come on!!! I think there should be a leeway in that clause like +-30 days or something.

Anyway.... ugh! oh well... very sleepy,

Remember to always Dance Out All The Pains.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Wish I had more followers on my blogs.

No one wants to read them...

It's like freedom, and liberty

But, without the gratification of someone commenting on my ramblings.

If I had followers, I would post more interesting bloggettes, But,
I don't

So, Follow and I'll write better.

I promise....


Remember to always Dance Out All The Pains

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Post IT

Just installed Microsoft Office 2010 and it's a lot like 2007, only it has a few extra features...

I'm pretty sure I did a happy dance when I originally viewed OneNote with 2007:

I did a double happy dance with 2010 because I was so excited they included it in the new package!!!

Nerd Heaven Absolutely!!!

Remember to always Dance Out All The Pains

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Visit's The Worst

I hate having to go to the doctor.

I really do.

And now, it seems, that's all I do.

I have no life.

I'm spitting out co-pay after co-pay,

I'll be glad when this week's over.

Remember to Always Dance Out All The Pains