Last Night, I hung out with a friend of mine, her husband, and their three year old. I had hung out just to visit since they live out of town. I was playing "laundry was" by dunking the 3yo in and pulling him back up. He was having a blast! And so was I, I hadn't wanted to get wet since I didn't have a suit with or a new change of clothing. That's why I was outside, but you have to watch the 3yo b/c even though he loves to go swimming he's not quite strong enough to pull himself out of the water to breath. I GOT SOAKED. I lifted him onto the ledge of the swimming pool because he was squealing since his grandfather was pretending to be a shark. He soaked me in his haste out of the pool.
Either way it felt like i had gone swimming...
It was a great night either way.
Remember to always Dance Out All The Pains
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